Steel is a versatile, popular material used in the construction ofeverything from skyscrapers to housing. Steel beams are composed mostlyof iron with some alloying elements. Two types of steel beams exist:cast iron and wrought iron beams. Cast iron beams are made by pouringmolten iron into a mold and are strong in compression but brittle.Wrought iron beams are made by forming heated iron and are strong intension. Although steel has its disadvantages as a building material, italso features an equal amount of advantages over other options. Steelhas some unique properties that materials such as wood and concretecan't compete with.
When a home is built from wood, the construction team purchases a numberof long beams and cuts them to fit on the job site. The beams that gointo a steel structure are manufactured in a factory, says the DelhiState University website, lowering the amount of noise and trashgenerated at the construction site. This also makes the assembly processfaster. The steel beams are arranged and bolted together according tothe instructions.
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